Our Senior School

Finding passion and purpose in Year 7 to 12
Building on the foundations set in the early years of schooling, our focus in the Senior School is to continue to develop a love of learning through deep student engagement. We believe that students who are motivated and active participants in their learning are more likely to achieve personal excellence.

Through a comprehensive and student-centred academic and co-curricular program, students pursue their own interests and passions, choosing from a wide range of courses and learning opportunities.
To address the developmental needs of young adolescents, our middle years curriculum supports a smooth transition to secondary schooling and provides rich and varied experiences. Made up of core subjects and electives, our goal for Year 7 to 9 students is for them to feel engaged with their learning while exploring their passions. Students benefit from positive peer role modelling and community connection within our inclusive Senior School environment. Our Year 7 and 8 students spend some of their day in the hub as a way of easing their transition to Senior School.
In the senior years of secondary education at Guildford Grammar, students are encouraged to follow their passions and interests, whilst also maximising their opportunities for ongoing learning beyond school. This looks different for every student, and may include General, VET or ATAR studies or a unique combination, depending on the individual’s goals.
Our students have access to a comprehensive range of ATAR and General courses having had the opportunity to explore their chosen interests and talents in previous year levels, as well as VET qualifications and workplace learning experiences. We teach young people what it means to be a global citizen, with the personal and learning skills needed to be successful in the future.
Personal pathways
Teaching and learning at Guildford Grammar prepares students for the future. In a rapidly evolving and global society, the only certainty is change. Young people must learn to adapt, to think critically and independently, and have an innovative and creative mindset. Our graduates go forward to secure a career pathway of their choice, through university, TAFE or direct entry into the workforce.