How to apply for a Scholarship at Guildford Grammar School

2026 Year 7 Academic and Music Scholarships

Applications will open on Monday 11 November 2024 and close on Friday 14 February 2025.
AAS Examination Testing date is: Saturday 22 February, 2025.

How to apply for a Year 7 Academic and Music Scholarships:

Step 1: Register for Scholarship examination online

All Scholarship applicants must register and apply through the nominated examiner AAS by clicking the button below:

Step 2: Compile your portfolio

All applicants must compile an A4 sized portfolio. The purpose of the portfolio is to give the School an understanding of your child, including their academic and extra-curricular achievements, interests and goals. It is an integral part of the assessment process and is considered in conjunction with examination results.

The portfolio must include all items listed below, as well as any other supporting documentation you may wish to submit. Please do not include originals, as your portfolio will not be returned.

  1. Print and complete the Scholarship Examination Application Form.
  2. Include a copy of your child’s most recent school reports – Semester 1 and 2 for the past two years.
  3. Include copies of your child’s NAPLAN results from Year 3 onwards.
  4. Include a testimonial, written by your child, explaining why they would like to be considered for a Scholarship and how they believe attending Guildford Grammar School would positively impact their future and their family.
  5. Include a personal reference describing your child’s character, general attitude, and interests from someone else who knows your child well (not a family member). This may be a family friend, teacher, coach, priest or similar. Current Guildford Grammar School students cannot request a reference from members of staff.
  6. Include supporting documentation of your child’s involvement and achievements in co-curricular activities, including sport, cultural pursuits and other community participation. This may be in the form of written references from a coach/mentor, newspaper articles, certificates or photographs.
  7. If applying for a Music Scholarship, please prepare two contrasting pieces (meaning two different styles, genres, or even a key signature) for the Scholarship Audition. If you are auditioning on two instruments, only one piece is required per instrument. Please ensure you provide one copy of each performance piece for the examiner and bring your own copy to the audition.
  8. Include a copy of the candidate’s Birth Certificate (not required for current students of Guildford Grammar School).
  9. Include a copy of your child’s latest dated Medicare Immunisation Statement.

Submit your application via Australia Post to:

The Registrar
Guildford Grammar School
Thwaites Centre
11 Terrace Rd
Guildford WA 6055
Phone: (08) 9377 9222