Student wellbeing and experience

Student wellbeing and experience is at the heart of all that we do. Our community, positive culture and stunning natural environment inspire a sense of wellbeing amongst our students. Our supportive environment is reinforced by robust student support structures and frameworks that ensure every student is able to thrive.

All members of our community play an active role in building a culture of wellbeing where student voice, diversity and inclusiveness are highly valued. Research shows that initiatives to promote the positive development of wellbeing have a significant impact on engagement, academic achievement, success and satisfaction throughout life. The development of social and emotional skills is explicitly taught through researched based programs throughout the Preparatory School and Senior School.

Our warm and inclusive community is who we are. We are committed to building strong and meaningful relationships between students, staff and families. It’s more than just a feeling, it’s belonging for a lifetime


Social and emotional wellbeing

Guided by our School Purpose and values, we are dedicated to nurturing the emotional, social, physical, and spiritual wellbeing of our students. We provide rich and holistic experiences that support student development, grow knowledge of self and build confidence to drive change now and in the future. 

We believe that students should have expression in their learning and can make significant contributions to their education and the world around them, focusing on self-identity and deeply valuing student voice and student-led initiatives.

We know that positive learning experiences take place in the classroom, in the outdoor environment, within the community, with family or out on the playing fields, and offer a wide and varied range of academic, curricular and co-curricular options and extraordinary opportunities to suit each individual.

We provide our students with age and stage appropriate experiences to develop students’ skills within their wellbeing toolkit that will help them navigate the positive and challenging experiences that life presents.

Positive school culture

We strive to create a positive school culture where individuals feel valued, cared for and respected, enabling effective teaching and learning. At Guildford Grammar School, our positive culture is underpinned by:

  • Our Anglican ethos
  • A focus on the individual
  • A rich co-curricular program for all students
  • Relevant and comprehensive student wellbeing policies to support all students
  • Achievement and commitment to maintain our Childwise certification
  • Strong involvement by a range of school support groups
Social and emotional skills

Together with family and community, we can address the social and emotional wellbeing of all children in our care. At Guildford Grammar School, the interactions, activities and experiences on offer are underpinned by four broad areas of skill development considered important for students to reach their social and emotional potential. These are set out in the Australian Curriculum as ‘Personal and Social Capabilities’ and include:

  • Social Awareness
  • Social Management
  • Self-Awareness
  • Self-Management
Wellbeing in the Preparatory School

The strategies and language taught are embedded throughout our classroom and co-curricular programs in the Preparatory School and our students participate in a wide variety of wellbeing initiatives including:

  • Zones of Regulation: We understand that it is important for all students to learn how to identify their feelings and be able talk about how they feel. To help give students a voice, we talk about the zones of regulation to describe our emotions, and how to manage them.
  •  Friendology: The U R Strong Friendology program is an internationally renowned program that teaches a common language of friendship and helps students develop healthy friendship skills.
  • Protective Behaviours: All students are taught explicit concepts from the Holding Hands program and WA Child Safety Services Protective Behaviours Curriculum. This program aims to develop problem solving skills and assertiveness in students, supporting them to know when something isn’t right or safe, and empowering students to act.
  • Buddy Program: Our Buddy Program pairs younger and older students together, which helps to develop strong bonds and a sense of belonging. It also enables our older students to develop their communication and leadership skills.

Wellbeing in the Senior School

Student experience and wellbeing is delivered in a multifaceted way during the secondary years. At the heart of our school is the House system that provides a sense of belonging and camaraderie, between staff and students.

At the start of our student’s secondary journey, they are placed into a House and Mentor Group that they stay in for the duration of their time at school, which is integral to their sense of belonging. This consistent approach provides students with predictability of relationships and routine, all important factors to ensure students feel safe, valued and able to grow.

The key support staff in the House system include:

Heads of Houses

Senior School students are assigned to one of eight Houses. Each House has a Head of House who works with the whole group to develop a positive House culture and offers support with activities throughout the year. The Head of House also develops strong relationships with all students and families through incidental interactions and more formal goal setting meetings. The Head of House ensures that students are working at their potential and getting the most out of their school experience.


Within each House, there is an assigned staff member responsible for each of the year groups, called the Mentor. The Mentor should be a parent’s first point of contact should they need to discuss their child. The Mentor meets with their mentor group up to three times per week and forms positive relationships with all members of the mentor group through a variety of activities and teachings relative to the age and stage of the group.

Other support staff include:

Chaplain and Counsellors

Our School Counsellors are registered psychologists and are available for confidential and general counselling for individuals and groups on any issues of concern. There is a referral process to access the Psychologists to ensure that students are appropriately placed. The School Chaplain supports students in the development of their Anglican ethos through weekly Chapel Services and is available for individual counselling should the need arise.

Deputy Principal and Head of School

The Deputy Principals and the Heads of School all work collaboratively to ensure student needs are met. The Deputy Principal of Leading, Learning and Transformation supports students with matters of subject selection and pathways, and the Deputy Principal of Wellbeing and Student Experience leads the School’s wellbeing framework, and supports students who require individualised care. The Heads of School also support Mentors and Heads of House to ensure that students are actively and positively engaged in school life.

Policies and procedures

Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy

It is a fundamental right of every young person to feel safe in the school environment. Guildford Grammar School has developed policies, procedures and practices to ensure every child’s emotional and physical safety. The Bullying Prevention and Intervention Policy explains the policy and procedures in place at Guildford Grammar School to reduce and eliminate bullying behaviour in the School. 

Child Safe Policy

Guildford Grammar School is committed to the care, safety and protection of all of its students from Kindergarten through to Year 12. Our responsibility extends beyond academic success to the intellectual, physical, social and emotional development of children, and the provision of a caring and supportive learning environment. To this end, it is essential that the safety, health, welfare and wellbeing of our students are safeguarded at all times when in the care of the School, our teachers, staff and volunteers. View our Child Safe Policy.

Cybersafety Agreement

Guildford Grammar School has a moral responsibility to its staff, students and parents to maintain a safe physical and emotional educational environment; the use of the Internet and Information Communication Technologies (ICT) and a number of related cybersafety issues included. 

Medical Centre

The School has a fully equipped Medical Centre, with a 12 bed ward. It is staffed by qualified nursing staff, seven days a week, 24 hours a day during the academic term. Staff are available to help students with medical issues and to discuss personal problems in a confidential manner. The Medical Centre can be contacted on (08) 9377 9211.